Affinity & health insurance
With our affinity, health insurance and property insurance we add value for you in your role as a consumer, a member of an organisation or as a salesperson of products or services.
The goal is to ensure that the person offering the insurance shall gain financial benefits while the client purchasing the insurance will see a substantial added value. We enable this through efficient flows, negotiations with the insurer and careful monitoring of claims statistics.
Our ambition is to grow in concert with our business partner while continuously developing our products to ensure that we always have the most competitive products.
Contact Gunnar Ageskär, Sales Manager, for more information about Affinity at
More information about affinity, property insurance & health insurance

We offer the following products in affinity and property insurance: Insurance Policy, Credit insurance, Cancellation insurance, Deductible elimination, Leasing, Events and Combined business insurance.

Health Insurance
Find out more about our Health insurance and read more about Purchase insurance, Provins Insurance AB, Nordeuropa, In case of claims and Contact us.